Pediatric and Adult oncology support

Cancer is the second leading cause of deaths in Armenia with mortality rates ranked as one of the highest in the world. The disparity of Armenia's survival rate of 30%, is a stunning contrast with a survival rate of 75% in the developed countries like the USA. Notably, the 30 % survival rate statistics derive from the late diagnosis and progressive spread of metastasis.
We aim to change that statistic by implementing different programs to provide individual and collective aid including;
Helped to save 45 children battling cancer in Armenia by providing essential medication and treatment support.
Raised awareness and funds in the United States to support pediatric cancer care in Armenia
Equipping facilities with diagnostic, surgical and treatment
technologies & supplies. -
Surgical procedures by leading physicians from the United States in Armenia for no cost to patients.
Treatment for patients in leading facilities in the United states for no cost for treatment to patients.
The colorectal cancer screening pilot project was introduced to Armenian oncologists. As a result of 500 colonoscopies performed, and 68 patients with early diagnosis of colon cancer.

Our goal is to equip Armenia with modern diagnostic and treatment capabilities and provide access to affordable medication and treatment solutions.